Blacknut Cloud Gaming Review. Why it's not very popular.


What do you think about blacknut cloud gaming? Is it worthy to buy? Why it's not very popular? You will know everything about it today. 

Blacknut Cloud Gaming.

Blacknut is a cloud gaming service. Where you can play many games in many devices remotely. But this cloud gaming is not very popular. Only few persons know about this. If you compare it with other cloud gaming applications. Very few peoples uses it. It has only 50k+ downloads on play store.


19.99$ per month. Yes you have to pay 19.99$ per month to play games on blacknut. But I will tell now why it is not worthy.

Why not worthy cloud gaming service is blacknut.

Blacknut is not very worthy. Because it has high cost. But the games are not so good. Every user wants some good and popular or their favorite games on a service. But blacknut Don't have so many popular games. Even this don't have gta 5, watch dogs 2 or other popular games
Also you need to purchase the games from publisher. But these games are popular amongst some limited people. But in my experience most of users want to play gta 5, cyberpunk 2077, dragon ball z kakarot, naruto, wwe games, watch dogs and some other popular experience. 
But blacknut have 500+ games. Which is not very popular or a less group of people plays it. So that's why it's not very worthy. Even in these price you can buy netboom, loudplay, boosteroid or other cloud gaming service subscription. Which is more cheaper than blacknut.
You will also get gta 5 and other popular games on other cloud gaming services. In netboom, chikii, gamecc you don't even need to buy a game license.

How to play games on blacknut.

Ok! I am not here to criticize blacknut. But I am just giving my opinions. Which is true also. But because I am not criticizing it. I am gonna tell everything about it. So also I will tell how to play games on it. After buying subscription just click game and play.

Airtel 5g × Blacknut Cloud Gaming.

Blacknut recent collaborated with airtel india to test 5g in cloud gaming. Recently airtel india tested their 5g service with blacknut cloud gaming. Because cloud gaming needs a very good internet connection to play without any lag. But very few people know it. That in airtel india's video they used blacknut cloud gaming.

Many youtuber did the test of airtel 5g with blacknut cloud gaming. So that's why people just saw them. But can't guess which service they used. But they used blacknut. 
I am just thinking airtel india could also used other cloud gaming service. Google stadia, xbox game pass, nvidia geforce now or other cloud gaming service is also there. I don't know why they don't use. But let's get back to blacknut.
In my opinion I will never suggest anyone to buy the blacknut subscription. There are very good cloud gaming services. Some are cheaper than blacknut. So I don't recommend it. So for these people don't uses blacknut too much. That's why they don't share it with others and blacknut failed to become popular.

That's all about blacknut. Go for other cloud gaming services instead of blacknut. More interesting topics will be covered in our blog. So subscribe to out newsletter to get latest updates.

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