Why Amazon Luna And Google Stadia Failed?

So the amazon luna and google stadia failed in cloud gaming platform. But why? How can they improve their service? I will share all my thoughts and opinions today in this blog post. 

Amazon Luna Cloud Gaming.

So amazon launched it's very new cloud gaming service on october 2020. It allows you to play pc games on cloud. Without downloading and without having a powerful device. You just need a smartphone or a web browser to play games on it. But amazon luna is not successful on cloud gaming platform. There are many reasons behind it. I will discuss later.
Their subscription starts with 5.99$ per month. There is also a 17.99$ and family plan of 2.99$  per month is available. You can play 2 device at a same time on family plan and 5.99$ plan. It's available on pc, mac, fire tv, android, ios and web.
There are very few games on luna. You need a controller to play games on luna. You won't get any on screen controls and you need a good internet connection.

Why Amazon Luna Failed?

So amazon luna failed because of it's service. A normal cloud gaming user wants to play many pc games. Most of the games are top grossing and trending. But amazon luna have very few games. Also they won't buy a cloud gaming services where they don't get advantages. 

Google Stadia.

So stadia was realeased on november 19, 2019. We can't say that stadia failed. But there are some reasons why it's not very popular on asia and middle east. Stadia has its subscription of 9.99$ per month. Which is called stadia pro. Which includes many games on their library. You can use stadia on android, ios, windows, mac, chromecast, android tv, nintendo switch and even on tesla. Any device with a chrome browser is able to run stadia on the cloud.
The biggest thing of stadia. It's like a game store. You buy game on steam, epic games or other platform. You can buy games on google stadia and keep it for lifetime. But if you wanna play this games on the cloud. You can just buy stadia pro. Because you can stream the game on any device and on any hardware. As well as you can also control it.

Is It Failed?

I can't say it. But stadia is not very recognized on the cloud gaming services. People would like to buy games on it. Because of getting it on every device. It's a little failed. Because at first it's not available on worldwide. It's only available for a few countries. Then it is too costly comparing others. Then you need a stadia controller to play games. 

Common Reasons Of Being Fail Of Both.

Luna failed because of it's uncleared launch and not getting develop fast. Stadia failed because of not doing the marketing properly. If I compare this with other cloud gaming services. Definitely other services will pass. Even netboom is better than amazon luna. Because it has great features.
We can't say anything now. Luna and stadia both can improve their selves. Especially google stadia can improve it a lot. By doing some advertising and explaining it to the audience. Because many people don't know about this services and how it works.

Final Conclusion.

This all reasons can not be valid. Because some reasons was my personal opinion. You opinion can be different to. If you think I told something wrong then please ignore the point. Know more about google stadia and amazon luna on youtube. Many of youtubers says that this two brands failed in cloud gaming. So I will suggest to try other cloud gaming services like loudplay, netboom or boosteroid. So that's all about today.

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I am Infokeeda. Subscribe this blog for amazing and useful contents.

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